Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Agnes Monica Wif Her Birkin Watcher ! So cool...

Hermes sepertinya adalah tas mahal dan eksklusif yang sedang di gandrungi para artist. Baik artis lokal maupun mancanegara. Harganya sudah pasti super mahal sob. Begitupun juga dengan Agnes Monica. Ia terlihat anggun dengan HERMES yang pasti original ditangannya itu :)
Agnes Monica

Agnes Monica wif her Birkin Watcher

Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

Iklan LINE Starring Agnes Monica, NIDJI POP Gruop Band Masuk di berita TECHinAsia! Congrats...!

agnes monica dan NIDJI di IKLAN LINE CHAT APPS
http://www.techinasia.com/line-ad-stars-indonesia/ Masuk di berita TECHinAsia!
Chat App Battleground in Indonesia Getting Hotter as Line’s New TV Stars Look to Overpower KakaoTalk’s.
It’s a fierce battlefield for chat apps in Indonesia. Today, Japan-based Line is going to roll out new ads featuring Indonesian celebrities Agnes Monica and pop group Nidji on TV in Indonesia. Those two celebrities are very prominent here as they are among the few who have represented Indonesia globally. But this latest move means a lot more in the Indonesian chat app battle, especially with regards rival KakaoTalk.

Let’s look at Line’s two newest marketing stars. The first is Agnes Monica, who has the biggest Twitter follower count for a celebrity in Indonesia. Which celebrity has the second biggest Twitter account here? None other than KakaoTalk’s TV ad star Sherina Munaf. Agnes now has over 7.5 million Twitter followers while Sherina has close to 6 million.

Indonesian pop group Nidji is also very famous here. Their hit singles have gained them huge popularity amongst teenagers and children, so much so that the band’s involvement with a cigarette campaign generated complaints from the national commission for child protection a few years ago. The band’s Facebook page has 465,000 likes.
Harnessing K-pop power

Those two stars will complement Line’s two other promo stars, Maudy Ayunda and K-pop singer Siwon. And yes, it is interesting to see a Japanese company choosing a Korean celebrity to star in its Southeast Asian ad campaign, with the latter celebrity being used to counter the K-pop fever brought by KakaoTalk’s Korean stars BigBang.

Today, Line representatives pointed out that its messaging app has gone back up to the number one spot for free apps in Indonesia on Android. But on iPhone, KakaoTalk is still ahead of Line in the country. The new TV ad starring Agnes Monica and Nidji will start airing today.

Senin, 13 Mei 2013

Behind The Scene Making Kutho Purworejo VC

#coming soon.....

Dare To dreams !

#daretodreams setiap orang pasti pernah bermimpi. siapaun dia. Aku juga, suka bermimpi. mimpi mengajarkan aku untuk berani melewati dinding diri. Sejak kecil aku sudah punya mimpi untuk mendaki gunung yang tinggi. Walaupun banyak yang meragukanku. MEREKA bilang, mimpiku terlalu liar, mustahil,tidak mungkin bisa dicapai. Tapi semua itu aku jadikan motivasi. aku selalu percaya pada setiap mimpi-mimpiku. Dan aku akan selalu berusaha untuk mewujudkan mimpi-mimpiku. Semua air mata dan keringat yang mengalir akan membawaku kepada semua mimpi-mimpiku. Mimpiku, tidak berhenti disini!

Kamis, 02 Mei 2013

FadilMo (Lini Busana) By Widi Lista Fadilah

FadilMo By Widi Lista Fadilah adalah lini busana ciptaanku sendiri. Lini busana ini nantinya akan memproduksi t-shirt untuk aku sendiri. Insyaallah jika ada kesempatan akan dijual untuk umum. Project ini sudah dicicil dari sekarang, untu realisasinya, minta doanya saja hingga aku sukses esok. ThiS is my future Project. Aku nantinya bakal menyewa designer untuk membuatkan design karya aku sendiri. Akan fokus Di Batik dan Warna2 yang MUDA. :)


Hai Guys, belum lama ini, saya habis ada show di acara BAGUS-RORO. I wanna show u all of my photos :)
Me Wif Ristia, my beloved PARTNER :)